Change is constant, normal, often desired, and sometimes dreaded. When moving through change, obstacles arise, stopping progress. As if we stepped into deep sticky mud, getting going again can feel hard. Momentum slows, and we feel dragged down by inertia.
When stuck, we repeat the same thoughts again and again. These limiting thoughts hold us back. We make excuses. Our view narrows and we can only see what won’t work.
Provocative questions catalyze new thoughts and help to re-gain momentum. These 4 questions work. They crack the door open to new feelings of capacity, motivation, confidence and personal power and we begin to thrive.
1. What 10 things do you now know about yourself (what you want, don’t want, and are interested in) that you did not know 6 months ago?
For instance I didn’t know that I love Goji berries (my new go-to snack straight from the Himalayas) and I didn’t know the new definition of wisdom I just pulled together in my book draft.
2. What are two elements of your biggest boldest vision for your life in 5 years?
My biggest, boldest vision is that I’ve published multiple books that really make a difference. This is BOLD as I’ve published an ebook and written chapters in books but not a full book of my own – yet!
3. What is a limiting mindset, or story that you keep telling yourself, that you are sick and tired of repeating? (could be found in a recurring complaint, thought pattern, way you behave, or an agreement you’ve made with yourself that no longer fits)
For example, I’m ready to let go of my comparative mind – the voice in me that says “He’s less, she’s more than me,” etc.
4. Who might you be now? (with your bold vision after releasing the limiting mindset)
I might be a published author, devoted to writing!
How about you? What can you discover when you spend a few minutes answering these 4 questions?
The first question reminds you that you are constantly growing and changing. You are not the same as you were even 6 months ago. The second asks you to stretch and claim what really matters. The third reminds you that your mindset is not you, it’s a conclusion you reached at some point, probably early on, that is no longer relevant. And the final question invites you into a new identity. Who might you be now?
Every time I ask these questions they help make the shift from stuck to unstuck, while reducing stress, and unlocking wisdom. You can apply them anywhere, anytime. Or ask someone else to ask and record your answers for you.
The more you get beyond where you feel stuck, the more access you have to your personal power and fullest expression as a leader at home, in your community or at work.
Because I love seeing small business people succeed I’ve developed the Business Boost Seminar where you learn to place yourself and your business in the right level of business growth with just the right activities to boost you to the next level. The next one starts Thursday, 6/21/13.